Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Paper #2 Guidelines

Due Date: Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Worth: 15% of final grade

Assignment: Write an argumentative essay on the topic below. Papers must be typed, and must be between 600-1200 words long. Provide a word count on the first page of the paper. (Most programs like Microsoft Word & WordPerfect have automatic word counts.)

Explain your conception of personhood as it relates to morality.
(1) First, briefly explain and critically evaluate the different conceptions of personhood that we have discussed in class. Be sure to explain each conception offered by Mary Anne Warren, Stephen Schwarz, James Rachels, and Roger Scruton.

(2) Second, explain how each of these authors uses their conception to attempt to settle the particular ethical debate he or she wrote about. (Warren on abortion, Schwarz on abortion, Rachels on euthanasia, and Scruton on animal rights).

(3) Third, explain your conception of personhood: do you agree with one of these authors’ conceptions, or do you have one of your own?

(4) Fourth, explain the solution that your conception of personhood gives to the ethical debates of abortion, euthanasia, and animal rights.
When considering your conception of personhood, be sure to answer the following questions: Which living creatures are persons, and which living creatures are not persons? Do you believe that you need to be a “person” in the moral sense in order to have moral rights (in particular, the right to life and the right to not suffer unnecessarily)? Can someone have moral rights before they have moral duties? Be sure to fully explain and philosophically defend each of your answers.

Present Immediate Capacity to Function as a Morning Person?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We Have to Give?!?

Here is some stuff on giving to charity.
Now for some videos. Here is Peter Singer's appearance on The Colbert Report. He's talking about our next topic: animal ethics.

And here's another short video of Peter Singer on giving to charity:

Sally Struthers Is On the Case

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Group Presentations: 10:00 Class

Here are the group assignments for the 10:00 a.m. class. If you're not in a group yet, let me know as soon as possible so we can get you in one.

Team Stem Cells (1st on Wednesday, 12/10/08)
Felicia, Lisa

Team Prostitution (2nd on Wednesday, 12/10/08)
Andrew G., Emily, Justin, Stef, Tareq, Tina

Team Steroids (3rd on Wednesday, 12/10/08)
Brandon, Jared, Mike H., Matthew, Tom

Team Torture (1st on Friday, 12/12/08)
Brittany, Jeanine, Lawren S., Megan, Sabrei, Victoria

Team Death Penalty
(2nd on Friday, 12/12/08)
Andrew K., Jess, Krista, Lauren B., Melina

Team Porn (1st on Monday, 12/15/08)
Anthony, Josh, Mike F., Rob, Walt

Team Egoism (2nd on Monday, 12/15/08)
Alex, Dennis, K.C., Stephan, Weston

Also, I mentioned this in class, but just in case...
Attendance is mandatory for the group presentations on Wednesday (12/10/08), Friday (12/12/08), and Monday (12/15/08). It's the only time I'll be a stickler for it. Basically, I want you to show respect for the other groups presenting.

If you don't attend on either the days your group isn't presenting (and your absence isn't excused), your own personal presentation grade will drop. Each day you don't attend will lower your grade by a full letter grade.
One last thing: be sure to keep the presentations under 15 minutes. A 10-minute presentation is ideal, so we can have time for a short question-and-answer session afterwards.

Group Presentations: 9:00 Class

Here are the group assignments for the 9:00 a.m. class. If you're not in a group yet, let me know as soon as possible so we can get you in one.

Team Juice (1st on Wednesday, 12/10/08)
Chris, Jamil, Jason, Peter, Vince

Team Stem Cells (2nd on Wednesday, 12/10/08)
Alicia, Bill, Jeff, Robin, Vanessa

Team Prostitution (1st on Friday, 12/12/08)
Chas, Kristina, Matt, Rebecca

Team Business Ethics (2nd on Friday, 12/12/08)
Ayla, Bridgett, Flavio, Joe, Kitty

Team Torture (1st on Monday, 12/15/08)
Bernard, Greg, Jonathan, Mike

Team Porn (2nd on Monday, 12/15/08)
Amber, Jaime, Jay, Mahamadou, Troy

Also, I mentioned this in class, but just in case...
Attendance is mandatory for the group presentations on Wednesday (12/10/08), Friday (12/12/08), and Monday (12/15/08). It's the only time I'll be a stickler for it. Basically, I want you to show respect for the other groups presenting.

If you don't attend on either the days your group isn't presenting (and your absence isn't excused), your own personal presentation grade will drop. Each day you don't attend will lower your grade by a full letter grade.
One last thing: be sure to keep the presentations under 15 minutes. A 10-minute presentation is ideal, so we can have time for a short question-and-answer session afterwards.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Team Business Ethics

Here are some links on the ethics of Wal-Mart:

If you're looking for other topics in business ethics, check out the course blog for the business ethics course I teach at Rowan.

Team Prostitution

Here are some links on prostitution:

Feminism & Prostitution (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Radio Show on Morality of Prostitution (Philosophy Talk: check the additional links at the bottom of this page)
Why Is Prostitution Illegal? (Slate)
So Why Is Porn Legal? (Slate)
Legalize It, Already! (Reason)
Prostitution in America and Europe (Atlantic Monthly)
Sex Trafficking Around the World (NY Review of Books)
It Helps Marriages! (Times of London)
Utilitarians for Hookers? (National Review)
Criticism of the Utilitarian Arg (National Review)

Team Torture

Here are some links:

Team Porn

First, you should check out the section on censorship and porn in our Do the Right Thing textbook, which begins on page 513.

Also, here are some links:

Team Stem Cells & Cloning

First, for research on stem cells, you should check out the section of our Do the Right Thing textbook on fetal tissue transplants (pages 303-328). Then, for research on cloning, you should check out the 3 articles on cloning in our Vice & Virtue textbook (pages 421-462), as well as Shannon Smith's article on cloning in our Do the Right Thing textbook (pages 349-360).

Here are some links on stem cell research:

And here are some links on cloning:

Team Steroids

Here are some links:

Team Egoism

First, you should read some of the section on Morality and Self-Interest (beginning on page 31o) in our Vice and Virtue textbook. Some specific articles worth reading: Rachels's "Egoism and Moral Skepticism" (pages 332-342), Pojman's "Egoism, Self-Interest, and Altruism" (345-349), Rand's "The Virtue of Selfishness" (342-345), and Browne's "The Unselfishness Trap" (327-332).

Also, here are some links:

Team Death Penalty

First, you should read the section on the death penalty in the "Do the Right Thing" textbook. This includes the articles by Louis Pojman and Hugo Adam Bedau on pages 361-383.

Also, here are some links:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Natty Law & Virtue Ethics

Natural Is Fancy For CheapHere are some links on recent stuff we've done in class.

Also, here's a visual reminder of the just-right aspect of virtue ethics:
Aristotle = Baby Bear