Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Course Schedule

September 3—5: Intro to Class/Relativism
Wednesday: Introduction to Class (no reading)
Friday: Doing Philosophy (no reading)

September 8—12: Relativism/Divine Command
Monday: Relativism: Herodotus, Benedict (VV 134 -143)
Wednesday: Relativism: Nagel (VV 174 – 178)
Friday: Divine Command: Mortimer (VV 79-83)

September 15—19: Divine Command Theory/Utilitarianism
Monday: Divine Command: Arthur (VV 83-91)
Wednesday: Utilitarianism: Mill (VV 95-100)
Friday: Utilitarianism: Williams (VV 100-107)

September 22—26: Utiliarianism/Deontological Theory
Monday: QUIZ #1; Utilitarianism: group work (no reading)
Wednesday: Deontological Theory: Kant (VV 113-123)
Friday: Deontological Theory: group work (no reading)

September 29—October 3: Deontological Theory/Natural Law
Monday: Deontological Theory: Taylor (VV 128-133)
Wednesday: Natural Law: Dimock (DTRT 43-59)
Friday: Natural Law: group work (reread Dimock [DTRT 43-59])

October 6—10: Virtue Ethics
Monday: Virtue Ethics: Aristotle (VV 193-208)
Wednesday: Virtue Ethics: Rachels (VV 251-265)
Friday: Virtue Ethics: group work (catch up on the week’s readings)

October 13—17: Ethics of Care/Social Contract Theory
Monday: Ethics of Care: Kohlberg’s Moral Development (handout)
Wednesday: Ethics of Care: Gilligan’s Ethics of Care (handout)
Friday: PAPER #1 due; Social Contract: Rawls (DTRT 464-483)

October 20—24: Social Contract Theory/Review
Monday: Social Contract: Rawls (DTRT 464-483)
Wednesday: review for Midterm (no reading)

October 27—31: Abortion
Monday: Abortion: Warren (DTRT 183-189)
Wednesday: Abortion: Schwarz (DTRT 190-208)
Friday: Abortion: group work (catch up on the week’s readings)

November 3—7: Euthanasia
Monday: Euthanasia: Rachels (DTRT 255-267)
Wednesday: Euthanasia: Chamberlain (DTRT 268-283)
Friday: Euthanasia: group work (catch up on the week’s readings)

November 10—14: Euthanasia/The Death Penalty
Monday: Euthanasia: Quill (DTRT 284 -288)
Wednesday: Death Penalty: Pojman (DTRT 361-370)
Friday: Death Penalty: Bedau (DTRT 371-383)

November 17—21: The Death Penalty/World Hunger
Monday: Death Penalty: group work (catch up on readings)
Wednesday: QUIZ #2; World Hunger: Singer (VV 365-374)
Friday: World Hunger: Arthur (VV 375-380) & Shikwati (VV 381-384)

November 24—26: World Hunger
Monday: World Hunger: group work (catch up on readings)
Wednesday: PAPER #2 due; work on group presentations (no reading)
Friday: THANKSGIVING BREAK (no class) (woo?)
carpe diem, lazy bones

December 1—5: Animal Rights/Affirmative Action
Monday: Animal Rights: Rachels (VV 467-473)
Wednesday: Animal Rights: Scruton (VV 496-500)
Friday: catch up day (no reading)

December 8—12: Group Presentations
Monday: prepare for group presentations (no reading)
Wednesday: group presentations
Friday: group presentations

December 15—19: Group Presentations/Review/Final
Monday: group presentations
Wednesday: review for Final Exam

nuttin, supchoo?

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