Monday, September 1, 2008

Course Details

Introduction to Ethics
Camden County College, Blackwood Campus
Philosophy 131
Fall 2008
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Section 03: 9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. in Madison Hall, Room 311
Section 01: 10:00 a.m. 10:50 a.m. in Madison Hall, Room 311

Instructor: Sean Landis
Phone: 609-980-8367
Course Website:

Required Texts

Vice & Virtue in Everyday Life, 7th Edition, Christina & Fred Sommers (VV)
Do the Right Thing, 2nd Edition, Francis J. Beckwith (DTRT)

About the Course
This course is split into two halves: theory and practice. During the first half, we will study several ethical theories that attempt to answer broad questions about the nature of morality. What are the various ways that philosophers describe the difference between things that are morally right and wrong? Are the consequences of what we do more important than the motivation behind our actions, or vice versa? Does morality require God? Are ethical theories nothing more than cultural constructions?

In the second half of the course, we will apply these theories to particular ethical problems. Topics include abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, world hunger, and animal rights. The goal of this course is to develop a philosophical understanding of what underlies moral claims and apply this understanding to our own ethical beliefs.

90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
below 60% = F

Midterm 15%
Final 25%
Quizzes (2) 7.5% each (15% total)
First Short Paper 5%
Second Short Paper 15%
Homework 5% total
Oral Report 15%
Attendance/Participation 5%

Exams: There will be a midterm and a final exam. The midterm tests everything covered during the first half of the course, and will last the full period (50 minutes) on the scheduled day. The final exam is cumulative—that is, it tests everything covered throughout the whole course. The final will last 50 minutes, and will take place on the last day of class.

Quizzes: Unlike the exams, quizzes will not be cumulative. That is, quiz #1 will test you on everything covered during the first 4 weeks of class, and quiz #2 will test you on everything covered after exam #1 (weeks 7 through 9). Quizzes will last 20 to 25 minutes, and be held at the beginning of the period on the scheduled day.

Oral Report: The oral report will be a group project presented in front of the class toward the end of the semester. Each group of 3-5 students will research a topic in ethics not discussed in class, and present a 10- to 15-minute lesson on it to the rest of class.

Papers: There will be two papers, the first a short one on ethical theory and the second a longer one on one or more of the applied topics we discuss.

Homework: Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class the day they are due.

Attendance/Participation: Most of this will be based on your attendance. If you’re there every class, you’ll get full credit for your attendance grade. Also, there will be a lot of informal group work throughout the semester. Group work can impact your attendance grade.

Extra Credit: There will be some optional extra credit assignments available throughout the semester.

Classroom Policies
Academic Integrity: Cheating and plagiarism (using someone else’s words or ideas without giving credit to the source) will not be tolerated in the class. Students found guilty of either will definitely fail the exam or assignment—and possibly the entire class. FYI: I’m pretty good at catching plagiarism. I recommend not trying it!

Excused Absenses: Make-up exams, quizzes, in-class projects, and oral reports will only be rescheduled for any excused absences (excused absences include religious observance, official college business, and illness or injury – with a doctor’s note). An unexcused absence on the day of any assignment or test will result in a zero on that assignment or test.

Important Dates
August 29th: Last day to drop a course & receive a 100% refund.
September 15th: Last day to drop a course & receive a 50% refund.
September 15th: Late registration deadline.
September 22nd: Last day to sign up to audit a course.
December 3rd: Last day to withdrawal from Fall Classes.


Sean Keegan-Landis said...

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Anonymous said...

u rule landis!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha I'm in the ethics class